C/NET Solutions Cancer Registry Software

C/NET Solutions gives registrars the complete cancer data management system they need to run an efficient cancer registry and meet the standards of accrediting agencies. We offer a variety of software packages and add-on modules, designed for facilities of all sizes and situations: CNExT RegistryCNExT Multi-Hospital, and the Cancer Alert System.

CNExT Software Features

Each CNExT product comes with all of the advanced features you’ve come to expect from C/NET Solutions, tailored to meet the needs of any facility.

CNExT has it all — from automated casefinding to efficient data entry, online Help manuals to automated follow-up and reports, it’s all in CNExT. It’s software you can depend on. View all software features.

CNExT Cancer Registry Solutions

Please select from our cancer registry software options below to learn more.

CNExT Registry

This product configuration is designed for health care systems seeking American College of Surgeons cancer program accreditation and needing software that complies with the latest Commission on Cancer (COC) standards for cancer registries. This package also meets the needs of health systems that are seeking or have attained National Cancer Institute designation. Registry Standard comes with a comprehensive follow-up system, NCDB Call for Data and patient survivorship interface features, and offers an optional Clinical Trials Matching System add-on.

CNExT Multi-Hospital

Multi-hospital registrars, rejoice! CNExT can handle your complex registry software needs. The CNExT Multi-Hospital module is designed for health care systems with several facilities and need a shared database.A true relational database, the enhanced capabilities of this product configuration allow data analysis and reporting across all facilities or for any single facility. Patient and summary tumor data is shared while separate tracking occurs for each facilities admissions and treatment data. Individual facilities maintain control over follow-up management and state reporting while data analysis and reports can be generated for specific facilities or combined across the entire health care system.

CNExT Cancer Alert System

Identifying cancer cases can be tedious and costly work. Let the Cancer Alert System do it for you! CAS taps into your existing network, quickly identifies cancer diagnoses, and brings them directly to your registry desktop. CAS can help your registry save time and money to devote to other important tasks.

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C/NET Solutions... Your Total Cancer Registry Solution!

We believe that data is knowledge and knowledge is power. Our cost-effective software provides fast and accurate cancer data acquisition, so you have the information you need to monitor treatment and improve the lives of cancer patients.